2024 —Year of the S*** Show

2 min readDec 30, 2023


There's something about two days before the beginning of a new year. The hyperactive mind is somehow compelled to reflect on the year about to end and predict things for the year about to begin. I'll skip the former and go directly to the latter, — it’s more fun.

With wars around the world certain to escalate, hordes of migrants overrunning our southern border, an anarchistic election, likely financial market turmoil, further rise in fatal crimes in every metropolis, and maybe even a resurging global pandemic, the 2024 s*** show will hit us like a ton of bricks. Sorry for being a buzz-kill, but there is just no putting lipstick on this pig.

Funny thing about living in eventful and “interesting” (aka chaotic) times is that the decibel of “isms” will surely be dialed up (a no-brainer prediction). At their core, “isms” (Zionism, Fascism, Communism, nationalism, patriotism, fundamentalism…the list goes on) are largely just forms of tribalism, — concepts conjured by men to distinguish “us” from “them”. Tribalism no doubt served the purpose of enhancing survivability in the Stone Age. But in modern times it is just a method for leaders to manipulate minions to do their biddings. People capable of independent and critical thinking typically do not seriously ascribe to any “ism”.

That said, there are a scant few “isms” that are not forms of tribalism but instead, philosophies by which to conduct life. (Hellenistic) Stoicism is one. Stoics like Zeno (~450 BC) and Aurelius (~150 AD) eschewed emotional attachment to any ideology or religion, played the cards dealt them by the cosmos, and tried to lead simple, peaceful lives. Lao Tzu (~600 BC) followed a similar path with his Taoism. These “isms” may just prove to be soothing tonic for my predicted s*** show in 2024.

For good measure, stock up on canned beans, bullets and spirits of choice, just in case. Happy F’ing New Year!




“Scratch any cynic and you will find a disappointed idealist”--George Carlin